Monday, June 25, 2012

Become A Star with North Star Games

 Back in December, I posted a review of the Say Anything Family Edition  as part of my holiday gift guide. Months later, its still one of my family's favorite pass times. Its a game that that requires imagination and creativity and never gets boring.  You can read my full review of  Say Anything here.  This is a game that adults and kids all all ages can get into. And now, you have the chance to get into  it literally.

North Star Games is ready to make another addition of Say Anything & Wits & Wagers, and they want your help! Starting today, you have a chance to publish their own fun questions!  These Say Anything and Wits & Wagers cards will generate laughs in hundreds of thousands of homes across the country.  How often will you get a chance to have your fun questions published for a game?!  They will be compatible with the family versions of the game too.  The Facebook contest starts on June 25 and runs for two weeks. All you have to do is post your questions and their wall, and be sure to tell them that New Age Mama sent you. The chosen winners, as well as the Bloggers who sent them, will receive all three limited edition promo packs.

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